IT future - we already give you the knowledge you will need tomorrow

It is impossible to instill a love for natural and exact sciences using outdated methods. Rather, the beginnings of a teenager's tendencies towards mathematics, physics, and computer science can only be inhibited by retro-approaches in teaching.

We have opened programming courses for children who aspire to:

  • think freely, creatively, analytically;
  • get maximum knowledge and skills;
  • set specific tasks for yourself and achieve these goals with all your might.
  • Why us?

    Modern business can already be called interactive. And every year this process covers more and more areas of activity. It is implied that in ten years the technologies that have just begun to be developed today will become publicly available and mandatory for use. The most promising professions are the Digital industry and IT. Students of our IT future try themselves in the field of information services, digital technologies, web analytics, strategic planning.

    The learning process of our students is built on cases from real life. After completing the courses, they have the skills to create websites, applications, computer games, and know how to use digital marketing to promote digital products. The teachers of our school are real stars of the IT industry.

We teach using the STEM system

What is STEM? This is a completely new direction in science, which implies a harmonious combination "in one bottle" of science, technology, engineering, mathematics:

  • S – science
  • T is technology
  • E – engineering
  • M is mathematics.

All developed countries today devote a huge amount of time and money to the further development of state programs in the direction of STEM technologies, therefore STEM education is actively implemented already at the school level, and the demand for STEM specialists at the moment exceeds their availability several times!

We offer

  • courses for children from 4 to 16 years old in small groups of 10 people, which allows you to find an individual approach to each child and fully reveal his talents;
  • game techniques without boring classwork;
  • the opportunity to learn theory through practice and learn only from specific examples.

You will not find gray-haired professors in the teaching team of IT future who give monotonous lectures and then have to teach without success. Our "brain trainers" are young, creatively thinking "itishniks" who charge with professionalism and a million ideas in the field of high technologies.

Our children:

  • receive in-depth knowledge in the field of robotics, design modeling, programming, mathematics and physics;
  • master the real world of IT technologies;
  • learn to work in a single, friendly team;
  • create a portfolio of their own projects;
  • take the first steps in using their ideas as a means of financial success and future capacity.

Today, the realities of life are created by those who know how to develop ideas and projects in the field of high technologies. Such specialists are our future, so we need to educate them now!

All the intricacies of education, the course program, the teaching staff can be found out right now by calling our managers.

  • Our goal

    The goal of IT future is to provide technology education for children. The fantastic results of our students are not just words. Computer courses for children help them to think outside the box, teach them to understand modelling, robotics, work in creative teams, generate ideas, and bring them to life.

    The knowledge provided by our talented teachers is unique. They not only arouse interest in everything new in the field of physics, mathematics, programming, but also successfully apply children in everyday life.